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What is team play and how to deal with it

What is team play and how to deal with it

One of the most widely used swindle technique in real and online poker is team play. It is very various and educing it is not the simple matter.

Profit achieving is the main goal for any professional player. And sometimes you can face different methods of advancing including the illicit ones.

Pro players make their bread with poker, so when they are really hungry nothing will stop them and critical situations will only make the matters worse. Again, team play may yield a great profit. Of course, it is never too much money…

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Poker cardsharpers: the real prospect or endangered breed?
Poker cardsharpers: the real prospect or endangered breed?

Money attracts different kinds of swindlers – that’s a common law. Casino, poker clubs and cheaters have been doing the arms race for decades already.

It is believed that cheaters are always one step ahead of those they footle around. Hackers, swindlers, hustlers belong to the same group, but gaming industry is full of surprises and zigs so poker cheaters are always closely watched.

Poker cheating industry in its turn surpassed a long way from the easiest tricks like dealing cards from pack bottom or holding cards up one’s sleeve to highly expensive pack analyzers. And this way is not finished yet.

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